This is the third article in an ongoing series advising students of how to get the most out of Express Yourself! classes.
Part 1 can be found here:
Part 2 can be found here:

Have you ever had trouble understanding a question when doing your lesson preparations? You’ve prepared an answer but you don’t realise you’ve misinterpreted the question until you are sitting in class? This month’s pro tip: Misunderstandings are normal and nothing to worry about.

Writing an answer that turns out not to fit the question is better than not writing anything at all. Misunderstandings still allow for the conversation to continue. If this happens, your teacher might ask a few follow-up questions, putting you back on track and allowing you to provide an answer to the original question. Another possibility is that the answer you prepared takes the conversation in a new and interesting direction that it wouldn’t otherwise have taken. In that case, great!

It’s important to remember that misunderstandings also happen in the real world during natural conversations all the time. This is true in any language. Dealing with misunderstandings in class teaches you the skills and the language to handle them in the real world.

Useful phrases in these situations include:

  • “I’m not sure I understand the question” – to admit that you are confused;
  • “I thought I was being asked…” – to point out exactly where you are having trouble;
  • “So the question is actually asking…?” – to clarify that your revised interpretation is correct; and
  • “Whoops!” or “My bad!” – to acknowledge that you made a mistake and perhaps make another attempt at answering the question.

If you realise during class that you have misinterpreted the question, just have another go at answering it. Everyone makes mistakes from time to time but mistakes are how we learn. The important thing is to not let them stop you!

And don’t forget that the purpose of EY! is to experiment and be creative with the language. It is a composition-at-home and conversation-in-class course. As long as you are creating interesting stories and expressing yourself, you can do no wrong.

「Express Yourself!」コースをフル活用していただくためのアドバイスシリーズ、3つ目の記事です!





  • “I’m not sure I understand the question” – 自分が混乱していることを認める。
  • “I thought I was been asked…” – どこに問題があるのかを正確に指摘する。
  • “So the question is actually asking…?” – 混乱していることを認める。- 自分の修正した解釈が正しいことを明確にする。
  • “Whoops!”または “My bad!” – は、自分が間違えたことを認め、おそらくその質問にもう一度答えようとすることを意味します。

