This is the fourth article in an ongoing series advising students of how to get the most out of Express Yourself! classes.
Part 1 can be found here:
Part 2 can be found here:
Part 3 can be found here:

Did you know that the teachers at English-Please! also submit compositions to each Express Yourself! lesson? These serve as model answers you can use to help you in answering the questions. This month’s pro tip: Read the model answers submitted by the teachers.

If you’re having trouble answering any of the questions, take a break from your own lesson preparations and try reading what the teachers have written. Every lesson, teachers will also submit compositions which you can and should take a look at. You can access the compositions of all teachers, not just those submitted by your regular teacher.

Reading these teacher submitted compositions can give you a push in the right direction. If you aren’t sure about how to frame a thought, have a look at how the native speakers answered the question you are having trouble with and take inspiration from there. This can also clear up any misunderstandings you may have going into the topic.

Even if you aren’t having any troubles with the material, reading the teachers’ compositions is worth your time.

You can write down a few questions you have for your teacher to ask in class based on what they’ve said in their composition. You can learn some new words and phrases from the “Tough Vocabulary” section.

You can also learn interesting facts about your teachers, things you might not otherwise have known. Do you know which city your teacher grew up in? What there favourite Japanese food is? Where in the world they would like to travel if they had the time and the money? All of these answers and more can be discovered by reading the teachers’ compositions.

So if you haven’t been reading the model answers submitted by the teachers, it might be time to start. Or if you are already reading the compositions of your regular teacher, why not try reading those of the rest of us? There is a lot to be gained by looking these over before sitting down to do your lesson preparations.


本記事は、Express Yourself! クラスを最大限に活用する方法を学生にアドバイスする連載の第4回目です。

Express Yourself! の各レッスンのオンラインの宿題に、English-Please! の先生たちも実は作文を提出しているのはご存知ですか?先生の作文は模範解答やまた参考程度に活用していただけます。今月のアドバイス:先生たちの解答を読んでみましょう。




作文に書かれていることをもとに、授業で先生に質問したいことをいくつか書き出してみましょう。「Tough Vocabulary」のセクションでは、新しい単語やフレーズを学ぶこともできます。

