This is the seventh article in an ongoing series advising students of how to get the most out of Express Yourself! classes.
Part 1 can be found here:
Part 2 can be found here:
Part 3 can be found here:
Part 4 can be found here:
Part 5 can be found here:
Part 6 can be found here:

When you are taking an Express Yourself! lesson, do you have your composition with you so you can refer to it as needed? Do you just listen to the questions and answer without ever looking at your composition? Or do you read from it like it’s a script? This month’s pro tip: Try to do more than just read your composition in class.

If you don’t feel confident enough ust yet to answer the questions without reading from your composition, that’s okay! That is part of what lesson preparation is for. However, if you always read from the script, you aren’t truly practicing conversing in English.

Think of it like training wheels on a bike – they are a great help in the beginning but eventually you need to be able to do it without the help. In the real world, you don’t have a script to help you through every encounter! Remember that the classroom is a safe space and so is the ideal place to practice speaking off the top of your head.

Keep your composition close if you need to refer to it from time to time but try to answer questions without just reading what you have written. Practice making eye contact while answering. Paraphrase what you have said in your composition. In fact, it’s perfectly fine to give a completely different answer on the day of your lesson!

Some of the most interesting parts of the in-class conversation are the answers to follow-up questions. It is difficult to prepare these in advance and so you have to think of something to say on the spot. As a teacher, I really enjoy this part of the lesson. Responses feel so much more natural and fun. The entire conversation could be like this if students are willing to be less dependent on their notes.

Challenge yourself to try this in your next EY! lesson. Answer one or two of the main questions without reading directly from your composition. You will quickly realise it feels more like a conversation, improving your ability to communicate using English and also your enjoyment of your lesson. Good luck!


こちらの記事は、Express Yourself! クラスを最大限に活用する方法の、先生からのアドバイス、連載第7回目です。

Express Yourself! のレッスンの中でご自身の答え(作文)を言う時、あなたはご自身の回答を参照できるよう準備していますか?宿題の回答は特に見ることなく、ただ先生からの質問を聞き、答えていますか?それとも、台本のように読んでいますか?今月のアドバイス:クラスでは作文を読むだけでなく、それ以上のことをしてみてください。




